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“UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA” is a trademark in Spain and in the European Union, registered by UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. (a company with its registered office at calle Tajo, s/n, 28670, Madrid, with NIF (Tax Identification Code) A-79122305) and, as a result, with all rights reserved.

UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. is the owner of Universidad Europea de Madrid, a member of the international network, Laureate International Universities.

This UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA Web site aims to promote knowledge by the public in general of both Universidad Europea de Madrid (and the European Career College of Madrid) and Universidad Europea de Valencia and the Affiliated Institution at Valencia (both owned by Universidad Europea de Valencia S.L.U., previously known as “Iniciativas Educativas Educa S.L.U.”) and Universidad Europea de Canarias (owned by Iniciativa Educativa Europea de Canarias S.L.U.), all of which centers are members of the international network of universities, Laureate International Universities.

UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U., Universidad Europea de Valencia S.L.U. and Iniciativa Educativa Europea de Canarias S.L.U. are members of the same business Group of companies.

From this Web site, you can access the corresponding Web Pages of Universidad Europea de Madrid, Universidad Europea de Valencia and Universidad Europea de Canarias. UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. is the owner of all the web domains.

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  26. Commercial notifications - Web site

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The previous section is by way of example and is without limitation and in no event are any of the above points exclusive. In every situation, UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA and its owner (and the entities comprising is business Group) does not accept liability for any type of damages directly or indirectly arising from the same or from any other unspecified damages with similar characteristics.

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Providing personal data where required via forms is necessary in order for us to provide the services offered. These services cannot be carried out or offered if the user does not consent to the inclusion of their data in corresponding archives and subsequent digital handling.

The data provided may be included in digitalized or mixed archives belonging to UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID, S.A.U., UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE CANARIAS, S.L.U., UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA, S.L.U., hereinafter referred to a UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA. Overall supervision is the responsibility of UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID, S.A.U., with registered address at Calle Tajo, s/n, 28670, Villaviciosa de Odón, Madrid. Data provided will be used for the specific purposes indicated in the data collection form, and will be treated with absolute confidentially by the entity responsible for the archive. The basis for the treatment of personal data provided is in the development and execution of the relationship formalized with the owner thereof, as well as UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA’s compliance with legal obligations, and unequivocal consent of the owner of the data.

The user will verify, in any case, the accuracy of the data provided, and UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U reserves the right to prevent any user from accessing the registered services where they have provided false or inaccurate information, without prejudice to any other actions that may be taken under Law.

All registered data will be treated with absolute confidentiality. The owner of the data has the right to access, rectify and delete the data, limit its access, oppose access and exercise their right to the transferability of personal data, all for free, as detailed in the information on data protection, in the following link: https://universidadeuropea.es/en/personal-data-protection

4. Conditions of using the telephone number: 902 232 350

Individuals using the telephone number 902 23 23 50 are hereby advised that:

  • In the case of students at Universidad Europea de Madrid, the personal information collated during the calls will be included in a digitalized or mixed file that is owned by UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. for the purpose of the academic and administrative management of the students at Universidad Europea de Madrid. In the case of future students at Universidad Europea de Madrid, their personal information will be included in a digitalized or mixed file owned by UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. for the purpose of handling future students at Universidad Europea de Madrid and its graduate schools, the management of admissions applications, admissions tests and interviews, and the management of promotional and telemarketing campaigns. In both cases, individual users may exercise their rights of access, challenge, rectification and cancellation, in accordance with current legislation, by writing to UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U., at its registered office in calle Tajo s/n, Villaviciosa de Odón, 28670 (Madrid) for the attention of the Head of Information Technology or by e-mail to DPO@UNIVERSIDADEUROPEA.ES. Similarly, if they choose not to receive advertising or promotional communication from Universidad Europea de Madrid they should write to either of the above-mentioned addresses (by regular mail or e-mail).
  • In the case of students at Universidad Europea de Valencia, the personal information gathered during telephone calls will be included in a digitalized or mixed file owned by UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA, S.L.U. (previously called “Iniciativas Educativas Educa S.L.U.”) for the purpose of the academic and administrative management of the students at Universidad Europea de Valencia (and/or of the Affiliated Institution at Valencia). In the case of future students at Universidad Europea de Valencia (and/or from the Affiliated Institution at Valencia), their personal information will be included in a digitalized or mixed file owned by UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA, S.L.U. (previously called “Iniciativas Educativas Educa S.L.U.”) for the purpose of managing future students at Universidad Europea de Valencia (and/or of the Affiliated Institution at Valencia) and its graduate schools, the handling of admissions applications, admissions tests and interviews, and the management of promotional and telemarketing campaigns. In both cases, individual users may exercise their rights of access, challenge, rectification and cancellation, in accordance with current legislation, by writing to UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. (being the entity responsible for carrying out the handling of the personal information in the files of UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE VALENCIA S.L.U.), at its registered office in calle Tajo s/n, Villaviciosa de Odón, 28670 (Madrid) for the attention of the Head of Information Technology or by e-mail to DPO@UNIVERSIDADEUROPEA.ES. Similarly, if they choose not to receive advertising or promotional communication from Universidad Europea de Valencia they should write to either of the above-mentioned addresses (by regular mail or e-mail).
  • In the case of students at Universidad Europea de Canarias, the personal information gathered during telephone calls will be included in a digitalized or mixed file owned by INICIATIVA EDUCATIVA EUROPEA DE CANARIAS, S.L.U. for the purpose of the academic and administrative management of the students at Universidad Europea de Canarias.  In the case of future students at Universidad Europea de Canarias, their personal information will be included in a digitalized or mixed file owned by INICIATIVA EDUCATIVA EUROPEA DE CANARIAS, S.L.U. for the purpose of handling future students at Universidad Europea de Canarias and its graduate schools, the handling of admissions applications, admissions tests and interviews, and the management of promotional and telemarketing campaigns. In both cases, individual users may exercise their rights of access, challenge, rectification and cancellation, in accordance with current legislation, by writing to UNIVERSIDAD EUROPEA DE MADRID S.A.U. (being the entity responsible for carrying out the handling of the personal information in the files of INICIATIVA EDUCATIVA EUROPEA DE CANARIAS S.L.U.), at its registered office in calle Tajo s/n, Villaviciosa de Odón, 28670 (Madrid) for the attention of the Head of Information Technology or by e-mail to DPO@UNIVERSIDADEUROPEA.ES. Similarly, if they choose not to receive advertising or promotional communication from Universidad Europea de Canarias they should write to either of the above-mentioned addresses (by regular mail or e-mail).

5. Cookies Policy

Universidad Europea will only use data storage and retrieval devices (cookies) when the user has given prior consent to do so, in accordance with what is indicated in the pop-up window that appears in the user's browser upon accessing the website for the first time, and the other terms and conditions that every user should be aware of, detailed in the Cookies Policy.