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Discover our Bootcamp and specialise in the digital industry

Make your profile one of the most sought-after by companies in just 14 weeks.

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What is a bootcamp?

Our Bootcamps are short and intensive master’s degrees based largely on experience, which prepare students in a specific discipline, normally in the digital industry so they have the necessary and real skills, abilities and competences that today’s labour market demands.


Designed to enable intensive learning in just 14 weeks. You will train in a sector with high employability in a way that is completely adapted and up-to-date with the labour market.

1 project

At the end, you will take your project with you and be ready to work in your new profession.


The curriculum combines an appropriate amount of individual work and the ability and involvement in teamwork.

Blended learning

70% classroom-based at the weekend with timetabled sessions (remote) from Monday to Thursday and 30% content to complete in your own time. Fits perfectly with your professional life and other obligations.

Logo Making Science

Taught by a market leader

The professionals at Making Science will share their experience and latest innovations with you, which will be key in your studies to become a competitive professional. We have partnered with Making Science, a leading consultancy company in Digital Marketing and Technology, listed on the Madrid Stock Exchange. Santander, Carrefour, L’Oreal, Decathlon, Iberdrola…


Alcobendas, the Business campus

You will learn in one of the most powerful business hubs in Spain on the outskirts of Madrid.

Alcobendas is much more than a campus; it is part of our academic model, designed to accelerate your success.